Monday, March 8, 2010

What does Dual Video Card Mean?

This blog is soley dedicated to the discussion of various kinds of add-on card to the PC which is installed in order to provide extra processing power to the CPU.

These Video Cards which can be installed on various slots available on the Motherboard of a computer relieves the main CPU of the computer of huge calculations which are done for the purpose of displaying pictures on to the monitor or any other display surface.

Video cards usually perform floating point operations which involve multiple multiplication of floating numbers and many such calculations which are very CPU intensive. By using these cards we separate the execution of graphic related instructions and pipeline them to the Video Cards.

What Exactly does Dual Video Card mean?

Dual Video Card only means having two video cards installed on to a PC at a time. This is usually done by installing similar video cards on two different slots provided by the motherboard in the PC. This can only be done if the Motherboard has enough slots to house the extra Video Card. The user also has to take care of the extra power that would be required to run these Dual Video Cards parallely. The cabinet housing all these components must be very well aerated as the temperatures build up very easily and ventilation gets difficult.

Adding another Video Card to the setup with an existing video card doesn't necessarily double up the speed of the computer.

How all these things become factor of CPU performance would be our topic of discussion, or blog of discussion!